On the wooden swing

while on the swing
the wee girl sings
proud fae listening
fairies dance dew glistening
song birds swirl cheerily
fox sings along eerily
lighting bugs zoom along
cricket contributes to song
lady bugs a circle dance
even the grumpy toad chants
while the wee girl sings
sitting on the wooden swing

From the Ashes

I am rising from the ashes like a drunk phoenix
Unsteady feet and a chest full of fire
Ash falls from feathered appendages
I blink at this new born world in wonder

Sea harr burnt off by cleansing fire
The cold fog lifted from my thoughts
A path meanders lazily along the clifftop
Carrying me unsteadily into a new life

Love the ever burning power
Pulsating against my breastbone
Force of life stoking fire
I shake off the last ash and begin to walk

Hate beats Love in Scotland

— Jumbled Lines of Worry

Random grass makes hate.
Recognising malice,
Police should not challenge,
Evidence not required,
For investigation.

Action must amount to crime.
If facts do not align
Incidents MUST be recorded,
lest they become under-reported.

Better to denunciate, destroy a reputation,
Virtue signalling is reality creation,
“A cohesive society is one with a common vision”:

Photo of a GDR military parade with all the political elite gathered on a stage. 
Sing in the background says 25 years of anti fascist protection wall. 
The image is a link to the original source of it.

Creator: Franke, Klaus | Credit: Bundesarchiv, Wikimedia Commons

I remember the weapons stopping attrition!
I remember the goose steps and frog marches.

Don’t fall for the dog whistle!
Democratic society = perpetual argument!
Where everyone belongs and has a voice!

Therefore women don’t have a choice
Gender-based Hate Crimes affect women excessively.
They are mostly driven by misogyny.
2019-2020 dramatic increase in incidents: 600% …

Yet, they are not protected by this law.

On the Bus

heat on the brink of intolerability
radiator under the seat
my lips burst in dry heat
even the fake leather is hot
my head against the cold window
scratched milky pane
the city moves past distorted
my backpack on the seat beside me
a men-spreading prevention system
I take a deep breath and quickly exhale
smell of old diesel motor
exhaust gritty in my mouth
and yet
despite heat encroaching
despite fumes
despite stranger’s crotches
I am relieved
For I don’t have to carry time
time clamps my chest
weighs down my shoulders
yet here in movement
I don’t have to carry time
frustrating forced flow forward
is paused
I want to meander
I want to press hold on a moment
I want to go back
I want to jump ahead
I want to rest extended in space
until I am ready to continue again
and right now
right here
I am free
the bus splutters along the road
carrying time and movement for me
my thoughts wander along the rhizomes of life
resting at nodes of have and could have beens

Asthma Attack

I can barely lift my feet.
Lungs held in a vice of worry.
Frozen uproar hits my face
straight on.

I am a fish drowning on land.
Breath does not translate.
All energy is draining
out of me.

Snowstorm, inner storm.
Anxiety rising way beyond.
The taillight flickering
in and out.

Everyone is up ahead.
And yet the hill keeps rising.
I wish I were just tired
or a bit puffed.

That’s likely what they think.
That I am a drama queen.
Who just can’t handle
some discomfort.

I’m wading through treacle.
Longing for medication
that translates breath
into life.

An #IWD Ball of Rage

We are asked again! to share our spaces.
We are asked again! to do the emotional labour.
We are asked again! to celebrate ourselves.
Because again! the initiatives are not led by others seeing our value.

We are asked again! to celebrate that one thing,
one man did for us,
for a limited time.
That one thing,
we do each day
without notice.

We are asked again! to perform public gratefulness,
for things that ought to be self-evident.
We are once again! told that we don’t do things right.
Why are so many women not cycling to work?
Have you ever listened?
I mean beyond the act of performative care?

I am just so fucking angry.

Winter Mountain Training

Be bothered
Check each other
Layers off
Layers on
Gloves yes
Gloves no
Kick crampons
into icy snow

Be bothered
Be bothered just so
Stay warm
But not hot
Find a spot
Take a photo
Go wee

Be bothered
Poles out
Poles in
Ice axe out
Helmet on
Sturdy gloves
Feet sideways

Be bothered
Be bothered just so
Wooly socks
Avoid the rocks
Play in snow
And be bothered

Be bothered just so

it’s blowing a hooley


Balancing sanity on the volatile precipice of art—
A thwarted strategy I realise especially at night
When verity and spectres are tortuous to tell apart,
And yet they banish loneliness in the Eremite,
Smooth wood gently gripped as I set to task
In the dark cold winter’s night I dream of sunny shores,
Yet when a blue cold morning dawns I’m going to don my mask
Don humanhood till moonrise when I’m going hunt the moors—
So I am caught forever in-between the spectres’ cast,
Despondency heavy in my breast,
lest hope may swell,
Into ember, warmth, unrest,
A low growl and deep breath,
I shall remain forever in-between maybe even after death.

In a writing course on Future Learn we were challenged to write a Terminal based on “Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art” by JOHN KEATS

This is not Foraging

The wicker basket hangs vacant off my back.
The leather straps move loosely across my shoulders.
I am slumped over the hollow pit in my stomach,
As if to protect the rising ball of fury.
Gentle fingers stroke the broken limbs,
Torn stumps of frayed wood-fibre.
Sap bleeds with silent screams from a dozen wounds.
A sob violently ripples through my body.
Hot tears fall onto cold wilting leaves.
“Leave no trace.” Opa* taught me.
“Your foraging should go unnoticed.”
I bent down and pick up a broken digit.
Before I survey the clump of damaged Rowans.
Not even green berries are left here,
Leaves and limbs carelessly discarded.
The disregard a visceral vice around my skin.
Eventually the ball of fury escapes as hot curses:
“May this pain return to you seven fold!”
This is not foraging.
Hands on rough bark, salt mixes with sap.

close up of a ripe rowan berry umbel, background removed

*Opa = Granddad in German